The Guiding LIGHT of ABDELLAH...

Faye Abdellah in uniform.
Photo retrieved from: Atkins, D. (2017).  Faye Glenn Abdellah: Nurse, officer, educator. Retrieved from

As interpreted by Group E
N207 - First Term, 2017 Master of Arts in Nursing Students from the University of the Philippines-Open University

by Group E's May Anne Mendoza 

Nursing theory is the bridge between learning new information and applying to clinical practice. The 21 Problems Problems Theory in Nursing Process rooted from the personal experience and professional expertise of Faye G. Abdellah as a patient, relative, caregiver and nurse. Dr. Abdellah was one of the most influential nursing theorist, leader, and public health scientists. IT is due to her works that the patient-centered approach to nursing was developed.

Abdellah’s diverse experience in nursing still has a great influence in the over-all nursing field. 
It’s her desire to be a nurse, passionate and caring as she can be that leads us to where the nursing profession is at the present.

To understand this theory more, we need to know and explore the theorist and the basis of her theory more.

Photo retrieved from: Group D N207 UP Open University 2012. (2012). Faye Abdellah. Retrieved from
by Group E's Kristine Caren Onato & Joseph Erwin Frances Mituda

After reading this blog, the UPOU-MAN students AND the general reader will be able to:
Familiarize Faye Abdellah's contributions in the field of nursing;
Analyze how Abdellah's theory influenced nursing in terms of practice, education, and research;
Develop new insights based on the "21 Nursing Problems" SO AS TO
Identify new ways to innovate nursing care IN ORDER TO
Determine solutions to effectively address patient's needs
The mnemonic for our objectivesTogether, let's find out what Faye Abdellah D I D !

The application of the theory in personal experiences

Concluding Remarks from Group Leader
by Group E's Joseph Erwin Frances Mituda

First, we'd like to thank you for taking time to read our blog.
We hope that you were able to get as much insights as we did when we went through the entire process of synthesizing the most relevant information available, which our group has meaningfully put together, with the hope of exemplifying the essence of Faye Glenn Abdellah's 21 Nursing Problems to the nursing practice.
Ultimately, Abdellah---- the first of her kind (Deputy Surgeon General) (Petiprin, 2016)--- formulated and subsequently propagated a theory that aims at matching the nursing skills to resolve the patients' problems. And to make this possible, nurses must embody a HELPING attitude, which all starts with learning to know the patient (10 steps in patient problem identification) and ends with the implementation of nursing procedures (11 nursing skills) (Petiprin, 2016).
Consequently, the nurses' helping mindset TRANSCENDS generations--- a basic nursing principle that should never get old...
And so... here's to the MILLENNIAL Abdellahs!
Petiprin, A. (2016). Faye Abdellah - nursing theorist. Retrieved from
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